About me

I’m a social anthropologist with a strong interdisciplinary outlook. My research focuses on social norms, how they change over time, and what makes people follow or violate them. I also try to understand how social inequality is reproduced through everyday interactions.

I’m currently a member of the rep²si project.

Regional expertise

I have been conducting fieldwork in Nepal for over 10 years. My primary interests are caste and caste-based discrimination. I am particularly keen to understand whether and how social norms surrounding caste are changing in this country.

Methodological expertise

Since 2021, I have been a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Methodology at the London School of Economics. I am a firm believer in mixed-methods research and use both qualitative and quantitative approaches in my own work.

I care deeply about research design and the relation between claims and evidence. One of my frustrations is the lacklustre approach to these topics in sociocultural anthropology, and I try to develop better alternatives in my own work.

Coding & software

In addition to my academic activities, I’m a hobbyist programmer and technology enthusiast. I’ve been an avid linux user for decades, regularly code in R to conduct data analysis, and have co-written a yet-to-be-released android app used by myself and my colleagues for data collection in the rep²si project.